Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Learn To Draw Sailor Moon (part 2 of 2)
Her eyes should be big and inviting. Closely observe the manga and you’ll see that her eyes have a reflective manner. You can achieve this effect by putting a lot of white spots in her eyes. However, there are proper positions for these spots and they also depend on the direction that your character is looking. So, go back to your picture and observe properly.

Drawing The Hair

Once you’ve figured out the way you want her eyes to look, you can now add her hair. Sailor Moon’s hair is her trademark. This also applies with the different characters in the manga. Thus, drawing her with a different haircut or hairstyle would not make her Sailor Moon anymore.

If you will observe carefully, you’ll see that her whole head is heart shaped, including her hair. Sailor Moon has a very long hair that is always kept in pigtails. So, add some long hair and a big puff of bangs that forms a heart on your character’s forehead. Also, put 2 small puffs, one on the right and one on the left side of her head.

These look a bit like animal ears. However, they are not. Those two puffs are actually her hair accessories. The hairstyle she is sporting is called "odango" hairstyle, which is based on the Japanes word for meaning rice dumplings. Her pigtails should sprout out from the two puffs. Color her hair yellow when if it’s already time to put some color in your drawing.

The Body And Clothes

Sailor Moons’ body is quite slender. Her clothes are also another trademark. She wears a uniform, which is basically a sailor dress that is colored white. The short skirt is also white, but has some blue accents. She has a big red bow with a heart pendant on the middle of her chest. Her legs are slender and long with red boots.

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