Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sleep Apnea Mood Swings (part 1 of 2)

Sleep apnea may not be a commonly known term, but it’s a sleeping disorder that many people suffer from. In sleep apnea, affected individuals suffer from shallow breathing, with regular pauses in their sleep that last approximately ten to twenty seconds or even more. Such pauses can occur as frequently as thirty times in an hour.

Sleep Apnea and Mood Swings
Mood swings are sure to occur more frequently when one is suffering from sleep apnea and the disorder hasn’t yet been diagnosed.

Sleep apnea, after all, will prevent your body from being recharged and feeling refreshed while you’re at asleep. You may not know this when you wake up, but your body knows it and mood swings will be a natural result.

Even when sleep apnea has been diagnosed, this cannot completely guarantee that your mood swings will stop. First and foremost, your condition might have been undiagnosed for so long that your mood swings has become an inevitable part of your personality. If this is the case, you’ll need professional help to remove it from your “daily routine”.

The mood swings may not have been caused by sleep apnea at all. Again, you’ll need help from a professional to determine whether your medical condition is the underlying cause or not.

Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation Caused by Sleep Apnea
Mood swings are not the only symptoms of sleep apnea. Other symptoms may occur, and these symptoms may also cause or aggravate mood swings.

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